The film moves onto a little girl who is opening a present meanwhile there is tittles in the shot as well. We can hear the girl laughing and voices with music in the back ground. As the film shows this girl the viewers can understand that she has an Importance in the film as it starts of with her. The music and editing creates mystery and suspense because we do not yet understand what relevance this shot has with the film. The tittles are still shown while we are watching the film (little girl). This allows the viewer to be interested in the film rather than being disinterested because there are so many titles being used. Therefore tittles are shown with the film making the viewer interested as well as providing inf formation When we are watching the little girl celebrating her birthday the fast editing of the mother bringing the cake makes us wonder if its an illusion or dream. We are reassured that it is a dream when there is an immediate transition from the birthday scene to a man opening his eyes and jumps as if hes just seen a dream. The sound also creates mystery and allows the us to wonder if the birthday is a dream or illusion as it is calm and enigmatic. The tittles are quite plain and written in white. We then see the man putting a photo on the table where the final tittle is the placed right next to the photo, which is the name of the film Taken. The fact that the name of the film is the last tittle is effective because we are able to focus on the name and watch the film trying to make a link, to the narrative. Also because the name of the film is put next to the photo we are being told something about the narrative that we yet do no know. At 1.33 till 2.00 the film has began with no more tittles needed.
This is where I viewed Taken. Again this is the entire film but I only watched two minutes of the film to help me understand how they have created there opening sequences.
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