Tuesday 5 April 2011

Finished opening sequence

After weeks of planning and researching how to create an opening sequence, what forms and conventions to use, brainstorming a story and characters, production planning, creating a storyboard and so on we have finally finished our opening sequence. During filming we had a continuity problem of lightning. This is because after filming in the park it got dark and we were certain that this was going to create continuity problems but we didn't have time to re film. As a result during editing we changed the colour of the bright scenes to low key lightning as you can see the lighting is dark therefore. This made me realise that Adobe premiere pro was really useful because if the software didn't allow us to do, this we would not have had a significant outcome. But because of Adobe our lightning problem was resolved. YouTube was extremely useful in finding music and the sound I liked the most out of all the sound tracks i had searched worked really well with our footage, and as you can see we have used that sound track in the opening sequence. During this experience I believe planning and research has helped us significally when creating our opening sequence. If I was to re do this project I would make sure my Planning and research is consitly up to date. I personally an really glad with my final outcome after weeks of editing, researching and planning.

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